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Tempoh pinjaman (hari): 14

The Forgotten King


Penerbit - ebookCompetition

Kategori - Novel Am

Who am I? I woke up one day penniless and I couldnt remember a thing. My journey to search for my lost memories was far. Along the way I met Richard. A poor old guy whos name is Rich. I nearly died in a quicksand. Arwayn accompanied me along my journey. I saw an angel locked in an ice tower. Finally some of my memories came back. Is it all true or just a dream? Want to know? I wont tell you. Read the whole story. Youll find out soon or maybe something more than that. ABOUT KING SHENZALEX You dont need to know who I am because I wont appear in the story. I travel around the world interviewing people .The question is What do feel when you think about King Shenzalex? And why? I received many interesting answers and here are some of the best you should know: Arwayn: Amazed because my best friend is a king Former King Lucifer: I feel stronger. We had a battle and I won. Sheila: I am angry. He destroyed my blanket that I recently bought. King Shenzalex: I feel handsome every time I look at my reflection in the mirror. I managed to interview the people from Planet Nightingale thanks to a certain friend. People from Planet Nightingale: we will destroy you King Alex! If any of you out there finished reading the story, feel free to give your opinions too.

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